Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm feeling a lot better!

So I'm able to sit up in my bed and play without it hurting now! It's been that way for a couple days now. I didn't have fever pretty much all day Thursday and most of the day Friday! Hopefully, the antibiotics are working! I did have a little fever last night and today, but not too bad. Yesterday, the doctors took out the tube in my back going to my kidney because it must have came out from the right place in my kidney and wasn't doing anything, so I'm a lot more comfortable now. Plus, I don't have to worry about pulling on the tube when I try to move around. My tummy still isn't very hungry, but at least I'm eating a few strawberries or watermelon or jello here and there. Oh! I did eat some popcorn this morning around 2 a.m. Almost forgot about that! I stayed up really late last night! I didn't go to sleep until around 5 a.m., then the nurses came in around 7:30 and had to poke my arm to take a blood sample to see how my creatinine was doing. It went up a little today from the last two days (from 2.9 to 3.1), but I think the doctors expect it to fluctuate a little bit. I haven't used my pain medicine button very much over the last couple days because I've been feeling much better, except for this morning. My back wasn't hurting, but my side was! Really bad! But this afternoon I've felt tons better!

I've had lots of visitors! Yesterday, my sister Brailee and my Aunt Ashley came up to see me. Aunt Ashley brought me some silly string so that I can ambush the nurses when they try to pull back my covers. I really like it! I got my mommy, daddy, Brailee, Ashley, and pretty much anyone that came within range (that's silly string all over me and Brailee in the picture). It was really fun. Brailee made a really cool poster for me, and her and Aunt Tamara made a really warm blanket for me that has flames (one of my favorite designs!). My friend Richard came up to see me today and we played with legos. My other friends Zachary and Bradley came with their mommy Kristen today, too. Right now, my Grandma and Papa are here spending time with me and giving mommy and daddy a little break. I love seeing Grandma and Papa! They were really excited to see me sitting up and playing with toys, which made me (and them) happy!

It still doesn't look like I'm coming home within the next few days. But hopefully, my fever won't be coming back anymore, the pain will be gone for good, and my kidneys will start coming back around soon!! I'm ready to go back to school and play with my friends! Well that's all for now. I love reading your comments! I'll talk to you soon.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

When do I get to go home!!??

Well it's more of the same for now... They still think I have an infection in my kidney, but the antibiotics don't seem to be working. My creatinine (which measures my kidney function) went up today, instead of down. Down is better! I still have fever, but I'm hurting a little less (they increased my pain meds). Although I didn't get out of the wheelchair, I made it to the play room today and played XBOX! Tomorrow, I'm gonna try walking and see how that goes. My legs are a little shaky and weak because I've been laying down for a week, so it was hard for me to even stand up on the scale for the nurses to weigh me tonight. The nurse, my mommy, and my daddy started helping me do an exercise called the bicycle. I miss riding my bike! Anyway, the bicycle exercise is where someone puts their hands on my feet while I'm laying in bed and I try to "pedal" their hands. It's supposed to strengthen my legs and get the blood flowing better there so that when I try to walk my legs won't give out.

These pain meds have me feeling kinda weird, but I've been in pretty good spirits today! I've been sitting up, talking a lot more, watching tv, playing with my noise putty, and reading an I spy book. I'm seeing and hearing things that aren't there sometimes, but that should go away once I'm off of the meds.

My appetite still isn't really there. Mommy and daddy seem a little worried. The doctors told me a few days ago that I could only eat certain things in case I have to go on dialysis. That food isn't very good! It tastes like cardboard. I couldn't eat oranges, beans, bananas, or even strawberries because they have a lot of something called potassium, which isn't good for my kidneys. But.... because I haven't really eaten anything except a little bit of watermelon all week, I convinced them to put me back on a regular diet. I didn't hardly eat anything earlier today, but tonight I had a few bites of spaghettios, and (you guessed it!) watermelon. I really need to eat something with a lot of protein, but nothing sounds good. Not even chicken Mcnuggets with ketchup, and that's one of my favorites!!

It looks like I'm gonna be here for a little while. My urologist said that he has to go out of town tomorrow and he'll be back next Tuesday. He said he would see us then. What!!?? I was hoping to go home this weekend! I'm ready to see everybody and thank them for all their prayers! Oh well, I know I'm in good hands and either my mommy and daddy are here all the time.

Well I'm gonna get ready for bed. I love reading your good wishes! I'll talk to you later.



Monday, February 22, 2010

"What is this.. the nurses job to hurt me, and my job to hurt??!!"

So after finally hearing that they think its an infection now my other doctor has come in and said "no, no no, we dont see infection." I am so confused if I dont have an infection why do I feel so bad? And why can they not figure out whats wrong with me??? I have been pretty sleepy this afternoon, what started out as a better day kind of went down hill. I told the nurse that she is hurting me, she told me she doesnt mean to but it is her job, so I told her then it must be my job to hurt :( They keep making me stand up to drain my bladder and I just dont want to do it. I am just tired of it all. Something has got to give....

A note from the family... Thank you all for the prayers and comments that you have sent to lexton. We have been reading them to him and he really likes them and they do bring some joy into his day! Please continue to pray for him and for all of us. Pray that the doctors can find an answer!! We appreciate all of the love and support you all show!

waiting, waiting and more waiting...

I have good news, no dialysis yet!!!! They still dont know exactly what is wrong with me but they are thinking I have a bad infection. My fever keeps going up and my pain is still here but the medicine makes it feel better. The doctor thinks my kidney is starting to get better and that the antibiotics may of been what made it so sick.

Today has been a little bit better. I was actually able to eat a little bit of jello (but they will not give me red and thats my favorite) Hopefully I will start to get some energy. My papa has been at my side all weekend and I am so glad he is here. He is the only one who can get me into the chair without making me hurt so bad. I am starting to get bored but hopefully I will start feeling better and I will be able to get out of the bed. The hospital has this huge train that is so cool to watch so maybe soon I can go see it!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Story

Hi everybody, my name is Lexton Dean Fortner and I am the bravest kid in the world :)

I am 7 years old and I go to High Country elementary. I haven't been able to go to school lately because I have been very sick :( I have been in the hospital for almost a full week now. I am a little scared but I know that I am strong and that I will be OK. The doctors tell me my kidneys are not doing so well. They have had to poke me and put tubes in me. I even have one that comes out of my back. I really wish I didn't have to have them but I know they are going to help me get better. I have been in a lot of pain but now they gave me button to push that will give me pain medicine whenever I need it. I am having to push my button a lot and the medicine makes me tired. I am missing all of my friends from school and my brother and sister. I even miss fighting with my sister Brailee!

My teachers came to see me today and I was glad to see them. They brought me lots of surprises.... balloons, stuffed animals and books. It really made my day a little better and it was the first time I smiled all day. Tonight the nurse has to come back and poke me again and take my blood. I heard them say that if my blood does not look better I have to do something called dialysis. I don't really know what that is but I am scared. Well I am getting pretty sleepy now from my pain medicine but I will talk to you all soon.

Love, Lexton!