Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'M HOME!!!!!

The doctors let me go yesterday! They said I was going to have to stay a couple days longer to finish my antibiotics, but the IV came out and wasn't working. So instead of poking me again and putting in a new IV, they said because I haven't had fever and my pain is gone, then I could take the antibiotics by mouth at home! I'm so excited! Now I just have to rest at home for a few days, then I can go back to school. Whoo hoo!

I'm so glad that all of you prayed so much for me. It worked! Thank you again so much for all the toys, balloons, and support you have given!!! I've got a long road ahead, but I'm super strong and I know all of you will keep me in your prayers. I love you lots!

Lexton Dean Fortner